

China links its ascendant future to a revolutionary past as it celebrates the Communist Party’s centenary.

The celebration is a big moment for Xi Jinping, China’s authoritarian leader.

Final trial results confirm that CureVac’s mRNA vaccine is far less protective than others.

Putin Pushes Vaccinations as Russia Faces New Coronavirus Wave

Governor DeSantis has been a frequent presence at the site.

Former Disney Star Kyle Massey Charged With Sending Explicit Messages to a Minor

Should you wear a mask after you’ve been vaccinated? It gets complicated.

Bill Cosby’s Conviction Is Overturned: Read the Court’s Opinion

Experts Debate Reducing the Supreme Court’s Power to Strike Down Laws

Infrastructure grants are distributed with focus on climate and racial equity.

The Trump Books Are Coming. Cue the War of the Excerpts.

Modern Love Podcast: When Two Open Marriages Collide

Time to Get Tough With the Unvaccinated

Are ‘Heat Pumps’ the Answer to Heat Waves? Some Cities Think So.

The Oldest Museum in New York Is Expanding

The At Home and Away Summer Playlist

The W.H.O. calls out unequal access to vaccines for Latin American and Caribbean countries.

A previous agreement with a prosecutor is at the heart of Bill Cosby’s release.

Donald Rumsfeld, defense secretary for Bush and Ford, is dead at 88.

Donald Rumsfeld, Defense Secretary Under 2 Presidents, Is Dead at 88

Visitors on Mars Send New Views to Earth

Prioritizing People to Build Back the Economy

Weisselberg, ‘Soldier’ for Trump, Faces Charges and Test of His Loyalty

A member of a privacy watchdog board says its secret report on an N.S.A. surveillance system fell short.

The Reincarnation of N.Y.C. Restaurants

No. 3 House Democrat Steps Into Ohio Race to Head Off a Sanders Acolyte

Your Wednesday Briefing

Biafra Separatist, After Years on Run, Is Held in Nigeria

With hundreds of thousands facing famine in Tigray, aid groups seek access.

Funny or Racist? A Food Bit on James Corden’s Late Show Draws Ire.

Why Can’t Americans Go to Canada?

Privacy Watchdog Board’s Secret Report on N.S.A. System Fell Short, Member Says

Biden Touts ‘Bipartisan Breakthrough’ on Infrastructure

Jay Christopher King

Jay Christopher King

Jay Christopher King

With an Early Win, Korda Advances His Father’s ‘Half-Crazy’ Plan

The House approves a bill to speed visas to Afghans who worked alongside U.S. troops.

Eric Adams’s Lead in Mayor’s Race Shrinks After First Ranked-Choice Tally

England opens up a narrow quarantine exemption for business travelers.

House Passes Bill to Speed Visas for Afghans Imperiled for Aiding U.S.

The Struggles of Those Who Regain Sight and Hearing

Elizabeth Martínez, Voice of the Chicana Movement, Dies at 95

Ellen McIlwaine, Slide Guitarist With a Power Voice, Dies at 75

Serena Williams Exits Wimbledon With a Leg Injury

That Heat Dome? Yeah, It’s Climate Change.

Tropical Storm Danny Forms and Heads for South Carolina Coast

The United Auto Workers name a successor to the departing president.

Worried by the Delta variant, W.H.O. officials urged vaccinated people to keep wearing masks.

Vaccine Mandates Are Coming. Good.